The Basics of Hacking 101
Today, I'm gonna give you some simple information to start with hacking, because a lot of new members here post threads after threads about how to HACK.
It's quite a long TEXT tutorial, because I've got that discipline to make everything as simple as possible. If you don't mind reading, which is one of the attitude a hacker should have, let's start.
Are you sure you want to hack?
Do a background check of yourself, to tell whether really wanted to hack, or you just want to go to jail for some reasons.
First of all, you must have some basic knowledge about a computer. Upon reading this, you just passed the first test. Next, you should also be patient, for if not, you won't get anywhere. Next, you should have the "heart" or passion to hack, because as stupid as it sounds, if you don't have it, you won't make it to the finish line.
What is Hacking?
Hacking is NOT JUST about breaking into a server, stealing information, controlling things like traffic systems, tracking people via GPS, etc.; but it's more like a discipline. True hackers, whatever their specialization is, have different principles in life that is connected on their chosen profession. They DO break the laws most of the times, but that's because they are curious on how far they can go, or what kind of things they can do with their skills, and usually, the "money-making" is just a side dish of it, because HACKING IS A LEGAL PROFESSION, and they're still humans which needs food to survive.
This is what new members always ask. "How do I become a good hacker?", "How do I hack these...", "What do I need to become a hacker?". These are just few of the thousand questions a newbie would ask.
If you're a newbie, and you're reading this, I got a starting tip for you.
One of the first starting tips to be a "good" hacker, because you can't be a GREAT hacker when you didn't passed the GOOD status, is to have the ATTITUDE. If you're new, don't act STUPID, yet don't act like you know everything even if you don't.
How to Become a Hacker?
If you're a newbie, and you're reading this, I got a starting tip for you.
- Setting Goals
- Types of Hackers
The first is the Black Hats.
Black Hats are hackers who do "illegal" stuffs with their skills. They are usually the one's who steal information for certain purposes. Nowadays, being a black hat is not that EASYanymore, unless you have the guts to do it. Back in the days, the black hats were able to do MORE because the police still doesn't have the right equipment to match the skills of our black hat fellows. Many black hats usually hack for money to sustain themselves and their activities, but today, you'll need to take extra precautions so as not to be caught. That's why black hats are now turning into our next type of hacker.
So, to balance the cyber-world after the black hats was publicly known, the White Hats emerged.
White Hats, of course, are the total opposite of Black Hats. Although they do similar things like breaking in others' computers, their purpose on doing it are different. White hats do it so as to find vulnerabilities/weaknesses mostly on software/hardware/ or websites/servers, then do a report on it, so it can be fixed and it can't be "exploited" anymore. Although this is a bit disappointing, because they sort of "deprive" other hackers on the experience, the good news is that with our modern world where software/hardware keeps being innovated, infinite number of vulnerabilities/weaknesses still exists to be exploited. Regarding with the money, white hats are professionals, so they are LEGALLY paid by companies or individuals who hire them for their services.
Lastly, there is a third category, which is most probably one with the highest population nowadays, the Gray Hats.
A combination of the two categories above, these type of hackers might be the trending type nowadays, because the hacker culture have grown so much complicated, that being a black hat or a white is not enough anymore. They do steal information for some reasons, but usually for money. But they also help those who are victims of their fellow hackers, which places them on the side of white hats.
After setting your goals, and you have determined what you want to be, or what you really want to do, and you're really sure you want to learn the Art, let's have a start on your journey.
- Resources
As a hacker, you should know your computer well, because it is the most important resource for all hackers. You should be able to know it's limitations, so as not to totally mess it up. Also, you should have a basic concept on how a computer works, even if it's just very basic like "Input -> Process -> Output -> Storage" type of concepts, because it's good to have background first on the general, before diving to deeper parts of hacking.
Also, as a hacker, you must learn to SEARCH for your resources.
Search first, then ask.
There are many skills a hacker should have, but I will discuss two of the important skills you must have as a new hacker.
One is you have to train your Social Engineering skills. Social engineering, or SE for short, is simply defined as the Art of Human Manipulation, or human hacking in more simple terms. In hacking, lying/faking/spoofing is ALLOWED, not just to the extent of doing it for money nowadays, since money-making is just a side dish for real hackers, like I said earlier. It is one of the basic skills you will need, especially when you are targeting accounts for their information. Furthermore, as a side dish of this topic, you'll learn that MANY, if not everything, in the Internet is fake, or just a part of social engineering for a hack or exploit.
Another skill you must have is coding. This is one of the hardest skill that you MUST acquire as a hacker, because it requires time, effort, patience, and perseverance. But, once you get good in coding, you're as much as close to be a great hacker before you know it. Coding is the skill in which you learn to "code" or create your own program using various programming languages like the C Family (C, C++, C#), Java, Phyton, and many more. Upon learning this skill, you don't just learn coding, you improve even yourself, because it improves logical thinking, patience, and not to mention your creativity when designing your programs. Also, if you're a coder, you would be known for your programs, especially if they are high-quality. Many coders nowadays prefer not to hack, but just to code the tools used for hacking because they still earn for their programs, PLUS it's legal.
As of now, this is all you need to start in hacking. If you passed through this tutorial, you're one step closer to be a good hacker, because you got patience to read it.
- Skills
There are many skills a hacker should have, but I will discuss two of the important skills you must have as a new hacker.
One is you have to train your Social Engineering skills. Social engineering, or SE for short, is simply defined as the Art of Human Manipulation, or human hacking in more simple terms. In hacking, lying/faking/spoofing is ALLOWED, not just to the extent of doing it for money nowadays, since money-making is just a side dish for real hackers, like I said earlier. It is one of the basic skills you will need, especially when you are targeting accounts for their information. Furthermore, as a side dish of this topic, you'll learn that MANY, if not everything, in the Internet is fake, or just a part of social engineering for a hack or exploit.
Another skill you must have is coding. This is one of the hardest skill that you MUST acquire as a hacker, because it requires time, effort, patience, and perseverance. But, once you get good in coding, you're as much as close to be a great hacker before you know it. Coding is the skill in which you learn to "code" or create your own program using various programming languages like the C Family (C, C++, C#), Java, Phyton, and many more. Upon learning this skill, you don't just learn coding, you improve even yourself, because it improves logical thinking, patience, and not to mention your creativity when designing your programs. Also, if you're a coder, you would be known for your programs, especially if they are high-quality. Many coders nowadays prefer not to hack, but just to code the tools used for hacking because they still earn for their programs, PLUS it's legal.
As of now, this is all you need to start in hacking. If you passed through this tutorial, you're one step closer to be a good hacker, because you got patience to read it.